Friday, May 6, 2011

Fearless Friday- Sleeping Children

So, today's Fearless Friday isn't a room of my house but a picture of my motherly affection.  You see I'm such a fabulous mom, Super Momma really, that I never forget about my children and let them fall asleep at the table while I'm say, sewing.

Furthermore, I would never shamefully take pictures of my children if they did in fact fall asleep at the table for some unknown and unimaginable reason.

I especially wouldn't display picture like that on the internet, for the world to see.

'Cause I'm Super Momma which is better than Mary Poppins, I'm not 'practically perfect in every way' I'm just perfect.

NOT!  I do love my kids very much.
Love it when they fall asleep in the oddest places.
With the oddest things.
At the most inopportune times.
And I'm not Super Momma.
But I am Super Loved.
I'm not perfect.
Though I'm loved Perfectly.


So tell me where is the oddest place you've fallen asleep?  Do you take pictures of your kids sleeping in strange places?  Forgot you left one up in the highchair?  Let's talk sleep.  Have a great Weekend.  Don't forget your Momma's on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I have sooooo many pictures of my kids sleeping in weird positions and weird places. Taking pictures of my kids sleeping is one of my favorite things. At first I thought it would be something I only did when they were little... but they are still (at 12 and 14) providing me with opportunity to take sleeping kid pictures! I just can't post them on facebook anymore because my kids will see them! :(

    So, keep on being a fabulous mother and letting your kids fall asleep at the table because it is sooo precious!!!


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