Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday

Before I get into today's post I just want to remind you all about my giveaway.  Click the link and join in as I love to give things away!

Source via Ink Cafe via Pinterest

Well, this last week was awful…and I don't mean my eating (though last Friday was bad for that too).  No, my kiddos were very sick and Sunday night we ended up at the ER for IV fluids.  Yuck, yuck, yuck.  Sick kiddos are no fun, especially over a holiday.  Then yesterday I woke up feeling yucky too.  However, I will say this I found my illness to be a validation of my change in diet.  Usually when I get sick I'm miserable and can't do anything and it lingers forever but not so this time.  I had a headache most of the day but really I was just sore and tired.  So I rested the whole day, went to bed at 8 and now I feel fabulous.  I really think the change in my diet has boosted my immune system so that I can better fight off infections.  Woo Hoo!

I mentioned earlier that my diet was really bad on Friday (can you say cookies?) and Friday night I felt horrid, not sick horrid but my gut was not happy.  I told Husband that I really thought it was from the poor food choices and not me getting sick.  Which I was right because after a couple Tums I was back to normal.  I have now locked away that feeling of utter gut pain so that the next time I'm tempted to eat more than I should, or more of what I shouldn't, I'll remember it just isn't worth the pain.

Confession time (as if I haven't already).  I didn't track my food this week…mostly because of sick kids and I just couldn't add one more thing…the laundry is piling up like crazy here.  But I did manage to lose .2 pounds this week.  I think with all the cookies, Easter candy and sick kids that is FABULOUS.

Last week I mentioned that I needed to add something to my plan, either working out or a fast.  Well I've thought about it and I have decided that next week I will do a 1 day juice fast.  The rest of this week will be spent cutting out caffeine and lowering my intake of certain foods.  Now I want to be clear with you all as to the reason for this fast as I discovered there is a lot of controversy over it.  I am not doing this as a way to detoxify my body, to be honest I think detox diets are ludicrous as God made our colon for a reason.  Yes, I believe our bodies adequately excrete the toxins in our bodies and really the science backs up my conclusion.

Fasting is not a new concept, it is very old and though usually it has to do with praying, petitioning the Lord for something or also as a way of preparing yourself for something.  The last reason is why I am doing this fast.  I wish to prepare my body for the changes that I have in store.  I want to rid myself of the habit of munching just to munch which is why I'm going to do a juice fast.  This isn't some quick way to lose weight but really just to get my mindset where it should be.  Food is for nourishing, not for pleasure.  Now, don't get me wrong I don't want you thinking that I won't have any fun eating anymore…no, I just want my mind to think first 'do I need this food' before I start eating.  I want to enjoy meal times, I don't want to count calories forever or worry over portion size what I want is to be able to sit down and enjoy a meal with my family and truly know that the fun I'm having is also good for me.

So wish me luck and you might want to avoid me when I fast ;)


Have you ever done a fast before?  What are your thoughts on detoxes?  How are you all doing with your goals, not just weight loss.  Join in below with your comments and tips!

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