Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Random Monday.

Okay, so although my goal is to post once a week that doesn't mean I can't post more often should I feel the need.  I love reading the Yarn Harlot and a few times a month she has 'Random Monday' posts...totally took her title, but only because it fits.

1. Seriously thinking about opening an Etsy shop to sell knitting bags.

2. I think I'm crazy for wanting to do this...really when will have time to sew knitting bags to sell?!?!

3. Completely disappointed in the quality of fabric of children clothes...really disappointed.  Lincoln got a new shirt for Christmas and it already has a hole in it from the fabric running...ICK! (sorry Mom)

4. This disappointment makes me want to make all my kids clothes from here on out!

5. What!?!?!  Make all the kids clothes...including jeans?  CRAZY!  I tell you I'm looney.

6. Working on a pair of pants for Elsa that have a zipper fly...hope to have them done soon.

7. Thinking of posting pictures of FO (finished objects) on Saturdays...call it Showcase Saturdays...whatcha think?

8. Priced denim fabric yesterday...in town I can get it for $8.98 a yard...55-60 inches wide...um hello not that expensive (I buy the boys good jeans...it is a must).

9. Have you seen Fishsticks Design Patterns?  No?  You really should they are awesome!

10. I want this, this, this and this one...oooh and I can't wait for this patttern and this one to be released (um yes you must check the links).

11.  Papa yes this is a hint...oh well it is a hint for everyone.

12. Still thinking about sewing clothes for the boys & Elsa...have some really neat fabric right next to me that I will attempt to make into pants for Samuel (yes with the zipper fly too)

13. Received 2 emails last week about gluten free cooking (no I'm not upset).

14. Both emails were a complete surprise...really you'd think after 3 years I'd be used to people's question about our diet...nope not yet.

15. Makes me wonder if I should post more on our diet...oops one more thing for that to-do list...

16. I'm sick today.  Only plans are to do my BSF lesson and knit.

17. I have started on the Christmas Knitting.

18. Yup, still thinking about that business venture

19. We're I'm going recover our couch next month...super excited!

20. Gotta go the Baby needs a nap!


  1. So excited to see the couch project! I want to do our (practically complete fabric) dining room chairs, and am not even sure where to start!

  2. I think the Etsy Idea is a good one if you need assistance setting it up let me know. If yhou are working on Knitted/Crochetted Items Ravelry is also a great place to sell your handy work:)

  3. Wow! Thanks ladies. I am actually going to recover 2 couches...though I'm just going to start with the big one. It is really bad...I'll make sure to take lots of pictures to show you all.

    As for an Etsy shop...I'm thinking I really just need to set out a plan, then get several bags sewn up and photographed...maybe March? Not sure...still thinking/praying about it. Thanks for the vote of confidence though :)


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