Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where I've Been and My New Plans

Well I feel like I've been gone the whole month here…oh wait I have, sorta.  I was gone this last weekend at a youth rally and had such a great time, did I mention I went by myself, without kids?  No?  Well I did and just being able to travel without kids was enough for me.  It was fabulous to go and help, I was able to encourage a few people, learn a few things about myself, and in general just be used by God…which is in a word AMAZING.

Okie Dokie, moving on.  I have had on my heart for a long time this great desire however timing has been off, my motivation less than ideal and in general it just hasn't worked out.  But this month things just clicked and now is the time!  Time to get healthy!

No I haven't been sick but I am overweight, shocking I know an American overweight.  No, I am not fat…but my weight is not healthy either and to be honest I'd really like to fix this before I get sick, before I have spent my entire life killing myself with poor food choices, well to be honest poor self-control.  However, and I'm sure I'm not alone, each time I've tried to loose weight I would succeed for a time but then the motivation would wear off.  What I have determined is that I had a faulty motivation in the past. I was trying to motivate myself by the superficial, I wanted to look 'cute' but that verse in the Bible comes to mind 'Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.'  Proverbs 31:30

So this time, the last time, I've waited.  Truly waited on the Lord's timing because I'll be honest God wants me to be healthy.  He needs me to be healthy because a healthy person can do more for the kingdom than an unhealthy person.  My family needs me to be healthy too.  I need to be healthy.

I say all this in regards to how I've gone about this.  For about 6 months I've been praying about this choice, the timing and the self-control I'll have to have in order to achieve my goal.  And it wasn't until the first of the month that I got the green light…to make a plan.  Another verse comes to mind 'Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.' Proverbs 16:3  So for the past two weeks I've been studying, myself.  My eating habits, my exercise habits, my drinking water, etc.  Also I've been keeping track of the calories in the foods, did you know that a peanut butter sandwich has over 300 calories in it…just a peanut butter sandwich!  No jam, jelly, or honey.  I was shocked.  I also have learned that grocery shopping can burn about 200 calories an hour.

All of this studying led me to formulating a plan.  And blogging about it is part of my plan.  So here is my plan.

My end goal is to lose 40 pounds by August 22 of this year.  That is almost 21 weeks from today, exactly 5 months.  Half a pregnancy or however else you measure time these days (no I'm not pregnant, but after 5 pregnancies it's sorta ingrained in my head).

How to accomplish this goal: Lose 2 pounds a week.  This is a healthy weight loss goal.  I have decided that if I succeed in losing 2 lbs a week I will get a sticker for a chart and a my choice of the following:
   - massage from husband
   - go to the library, for me
   - window shopping trip
   - thrifting adventure

See, aren't these adorable stickers?
Totally worth losing 2 pounds to get one!

Also I will have weekly goals to push me in the right direction.  I believe that for the changes to last I have to make them slowly.  I know that if I say I'll eat a salad at every meal, go to the gym 3 times a week and give up all refined sugar my plan will last all of 2 days, if that!  So I have an app for my phone that keeps track of calories and exercise and I'm committed to recording everything I eat and all my exercising for the rest of my life!  Yes, for life.  I do know that based on my current schedule I will take the day off on Thursday's but that could change.

This weeks goal is to drink a glass of water when I feel hungry.  I will wait 20 minutes to see if I'm still hungry before making a meal (unless it is has been over 3 hours since my last meal).  I've read that if you are perpetually dehydrated your body confuses the signal for thirst with hunger.  My hope is that by drinking water first I'll know if I was thirsty or truly hungry.  Also I will get rehydrated so that in a few weeks I'll know the difference between hungry pang and thirst pang.

Other incidental information:

I will weigh myself every Tuesday Morning and every other Tuesday take my measurements.  I will then post this up on the blog.  Also I will take a picture every month for you guys so you can see my progress too.  I have other incentives for myself that I will share as I meet the requirements.  I am still looking for a partner in crime health to be an accountability buddy so if you're interested email me or post a comment.

Starting Weight: 175.8 lbs.
Starting Measurements:
     Waist: 35"
     Hips:  45.25"

Oh Yeah, it's all me!
Side view...haha, no
no I was just playing 'model' with the camera man!
Before Pictures should be fun right?

Also I'd love to hear your comments on this.   Have you or are you trying to lose weight?  What's working for you?  What isn't working for you?  Share with us what you've been doing and let's learn from each other.

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